Friday, February 27, 2009

Plaids and Upside down Frogs

This is my (Jamie) first attempt at sewing since the 8th grade...For the record I just turned 25 last Saturday, so it's been awhile since I've sat down at the sewing machine.
Here are my frogs all cut out and ready to be sewn...Did not notice that my frogs were upside down.
These are my frogs all sewn up....I realized about 1/2 way through the sewing that the frogs were upside down. Who needs right side up frogs anyway?!


  1. I like the froggies, even upside down lol!

  2. All of those aprons are too cute!

  3. I love the frogs! Upside down frogs are even cuter. Thanks for putting me on your blog roll. Can't wait to see what else you put together.

  4. Can you say oops!!! It will be a cool one of a kind apron and who ever is wearing it will look at the frogs right side up! (btw this is Julia (Apron Goddesses) on Suzi's computer) She lives next door. LOL!


Talk to me goose....