Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Morning Flight

In the soft light of morning a flight of Canada Geese lift off.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's George Jetson

I bought this on ebay this weekend! The Jeston's, how cool is that? I can think of a bunch of ways to use this. It's going to be a challenge to decide. There is 8 squares of each fabric.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reuse and Recycle

Finally found some time to "drive" the sewing machine. I bought the fabric at St. Vinney's for $1 and the web belt cost around $3. Not bad for a sturdy grocery tote. I made the web handles really long, so I can carry the bag on the shoulder. Leaving both hands free. I stopped at Costco on my way home from work. Totes don't work well at Costco. The person at the door needs to see everything as you leave. Even though I could have fit most of my purchases into the tote, I still wound up with a cardboard box. Oh well, it should work for everywhere else.

Speaking of Cobwebs

It has become my newest quest to try to get a good pic of spider webs. I accidentally took a pic that contained a web. And the detail of the web caught my eye more than the boat that I was really taking a picture of. It is not an easy thing to capture, the camera keeps trying to "help" me focus better, usually on objects that are not the webs! I did not mention to my hubby that spider webs were what I was looking for when I invited him to go hiking at 5:30 in the morning! He is really a good sport about my camera obsession, but that might have been a bit much.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Can You Feel The Cool Morning Air

I still can't believe my husband turned down the opportunity to go hiking with me this morning at 5:30. Look what he missed! I suppose sleeping in on your day off can be considered a good thing too. But I sure do like that early morning hike with the camera to blow the cobwebs off my brain. Kind of gets you primed for the upcoming week.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Watching The Watchers

This pic is from the pig show this weekend. Watching the watchers is just as interesting as watching the pigs. You can see my handsome nephews mom watching the show. I don't know who the gentleman standing next to her is, but I'll bet he has a loved one in the ring too!

Fun At The Fair

This weekend was the county fair that my nephews participate. The handsome young man on the right is showing his pig "Wide Load". I've never been to a pig show prior. What a hoot! The gate opens and 8 or nine pigs enter at a trot with their young owners trailing. Pigs and kids everywhere. I was impressed how the judge sorted the animals and placed them. Listening to his reasons for placements was a real learning experience. If you're at the fair and a pig show is going on, go ahead and watch a while. It's really fun.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Closer Look!

Nestled among the greens in the pond is a lily in bloom. Lost among the beauty of the reflection of the building, but when you look thru the camera you can focus on lots of smaller details.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Reflections At The Zoo

This building at the Henry Vilas Zoo provides the shelter for a restored carousal . This is the place to be on a Sunday in Madison, Wisconsin. But then everyday is a good day to visit the zoo!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ohhhh! Ahhh!

My first attempt at long exposure/fireworks type pics.

Siberian Tiger
